Mobile Charging Stations for Restaurants & Bars
Attract new customers and increase average spend by providing a mobile charging station for your guests
How can the Novi help both you and your customers?
Provide an easy solution for guests to charge
The Novi Charging Station contains eight portable chargers. Each charger – or Novi Pod – can be removed and lent out to your guests and customers to use on the go.
Charges Cell Phones, Tablets, Kindles and more
Each Novi Pod contains two in built cables – one Micro USB and one Lightning cable (charges iPhone 5 and above). This means a plethora of devices can be charged – anything from a mobile phone to a Kindle, from e-cigarettes to smart watches and even GoPro’s.
The Novi is Hassle Free
Say goodbye to the range of cables you have stashed away somewhere – the Novi Charging Station uses just one AC adaptor to charge the dock itself. The Novi Pods themselves charge on contact with the base with cables built into each unit.
90% of your guests want to use the Novi
Based on our research, we’ve found that 90% of people would want to use the Novi Charging Station if it was available. They want to use it so much in fact, that 56% of people believe it would significantly influence their decision on where to go for a drink or bite to eat if they were low on battery.
Guests will spend more money - and like you more!
By providing a charging service, guests are also more likely to spend more money by purchasing an additional drink for themselves and their friends while they charge. In addition, of the people we surveyed, 78% of people would also view your brand in a more positive light for providing this service.
Watch our video to find out more about how the Novi can help your restaurant or bar charge mobile phones and smart devices on behalf of your guests.
The Novi Charging Station is here to help both you and your customers. Designed with the hospitality industry in mind, we’ve built an elegant solution with 8 removable pods which can be leased out to your guests – either with or without a deposit.
It’s 2016. It’s now the norm to be able to charge your phone wherever you like. Walk into any restaurant or bar now and you’ll find that every single one has at least a couple adaptors and charging cables lying around for their customers to use. While customers habits have changed, few locations have kept up with an easy solution for this change.
Occasionally, customers are pointed to the direction of the nearest available socket. If they’re lucky, they’ll even have a charging cable to borrow. Otherwise, most of the time their phone is whisked off to the safety of behind a bar, or inside the kitchen or management office, or tucked into a drawer somewhere.
This usually means the person who is charging their phone can’t actually access their device while it charges. With people checking their phones over 110 times a day, it’s easy to see why terms such as ‘Nomophobia‘ (the fear of being without your mobile phone) have been developed. Simply put, people never want to be without their mobile device. Even more so if they’re waiting at your restaurant or bar for an important phone call, text or email to come through.
The Novi Charging Station enables patrons of restaurants and bars to charge their mobile / smart devices right where they are sitting.
From our initial research, we’ve found that over 90% of people would use the Novi to charge their mobile devices. These people are likely to spend more time, and very often more money just to stay and charge their phones fully. In addition, just having the mobile charging station available can help lure more guests into your facility.